

Monday, October 22, 2012

311 Day!

Mitch is an avid 311 fan. He knows every single one of their hundreds of songs and a dream of his was to go to Las Vegas during the weekend of March 11th to go to the massive 311 day concerts. We decided that if we didn't go this year, we might not ever get a chance later with school and then later on in life kids. It is also nice since my parents live there, all we had to pay for was the tickets and gas. So, in March of this year, we packed up and went!

It was a very fun experience! The 2-day concert was at the MGM. We arrived a couple hours early and ate at the Rainforest cafe. It was such a cool experience because the whole hotel was overrun with 311 fans. Randomly "3-11" chants would start up and every one would join in. Everyone was so happy to be there.
On a funny side note....Mitch and I noticed that we just might have possibly been the only ones who did more with our lives than smoke weed and go to!

Rainforest Cafe

MBA and Nursing school

I have decided that I will slowly update my blog as I take breaks from studying. A lot has happened since I last posted and I want to catch up before there is just too much to catch up on.

Mitch is currently in MBA school at Westminster and he is loving every minute of it. I have enjoyed seeing him grow as a business person and apply what he is learning in his current job. He recently got moved from the Provo Fat Cats location and is now the General Manager of the Salt Lake location. While the salt lake location needed a lot of changes and gave Mitch some challenges, this was a blessing for us because this opened nearly 2 more hours of his day since he doesn't have to commute anymore. This makes it much easier for him to juggle both school and work.

I got accepted to the Nursing program in Kaysville at the DATC campus. They work directly with Weber State and when I graduate I will be considered a Weber graduate. While I am now the one commuting, I have no doubt in my mind that this is where I am supposed to be. I love the nursing program that I am in and I am loving all my clinical experiences. I have met some amazing people and love my new "nursing family" that I spend most of my time with. I could not have even imagined just how busy my life would get. The stress and lack of free time is worse than I could have possibly imagined, but I know it will be worth it in the end and my passion for nursing is carrying me through, as well as support from my nursing class family.

Also, we bought a house this summer and we are loving being homeowners. We now live in the Holladay/Millcreek area. We still have some rooms that are not yet furnished, but we have what we need and we will furnish it with time. We love our cute little home and we were both very excited to get away from apartment life.

Mitch and I rarely see each other now, but we are making the best of it by making sure the times we do get to see each other are meaningful and worthwhile. I am so blessed to have such a great hubby.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Great news!

This post is overdue, but about a month ago Westminster College called this sexy man to tell him they would love it if he accepted their offer to invite him into their MBA program! He starts classes this May.

I am so proud of Mitch. He has worked very hard for this moment and Westminster is so lucky to have him. He loves to work hard and he enjoys seeing his current company he works for be successful from his efforts. He is very smart and knows so much about business already.

Might I also mention that this means we get to go on a trip with his fellow classmates to our choice of Europe, China, India, or Brasil. Yes!

Supporting our team

Through good times and bad!

To late to post this....

But I don't care! :)

Here are some highlights from our New Years Mexico trip! It was a blast as always. These pics are in no certain order.

At the Pacifica!

La Golondrina

Mitch and I climbed up bare feet! I paid for it later but it was worth it simply because...


Sunset Beach

New years eve watching fireworks. "Utes are the best kissers"

And of course the famous arch

Oh how I miss these gorgeous sunrises...I want to paint this!
And the gorgeous sunsets

Mariachi bands at dinner every night

Chasing seagulls with the little girls


Us four went deep sea fishing

We didn't catch anything...but had this entertainment with the leftover bait!
Sea Lions jumping right on the edge of the boat
Pelicans close enough to touch

This is the view we had in the morning as we were going out to fish. All the fishing boats going out to fish into the sunrise

What a fun trip with everyone!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

December happenings

1. My birthday

On my birthday morning I woke up to an edible arrangement and the beginning clue to a scavenger hunt.

The clue led me out to the parking lot to find this car in the parking lot. yes! (it was "rented" for the day from Mitch's friend. Thanks JR!

Throughout the day I followed all the clues and they all led to some fun activity. One of which was Fat Cats in Provo where I bowled 25 frames of bowling in honor of turning 25. We took the scenic route through the mountains for more fun drive time for me to enjoy driving the Porsche.

It was a great day and Mitch made it even better!

2. On Christmas we got to talk to Nathan who is on his mission in Florida.

3. We went to the Festival of Trees bid night and then later went back on the last night to introduce Jenn and Leo to it. They were hooked and will be back next year!

4. Mitch and I got ugly Christmas sweaters and were able to wear them to the family party! They were a hit!

5. Our Cabo trip!!!
A post with pictures coming soon!